Girls Volleyball

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Girls JV/Varsity Volleyball Schedule 2013-2014

The road to the threepeat:

08/20 South Broward (V only) H 4:30
09/03 Piper
H 4:30
09/09 South Plantation 
A 4:30
09/11 Nova 
H 4:30
09/12 Pompano H 4:30
09/16 Cooper City
A 4:30
09/18 Cypress Bay H 4:30
09/20 Piper A 4:30
09/21-22 Sagemont Tournament TBA
09/24 South Plantation H 4:30
09/26 Flanagan    
H 4:30
10/01 Cooper City
H 4:30
10/03 Cypress Bay A 4:30
10/04-5 Chaminade/Madonna Tournamen TBA
10/07 Taravella A 4:30
10/08 Pines Charter
H 4:30
10/10 Douglas A 4:30
10/15 Hollywood Hills A 4:30
10/17 McArthur
A 4:30
Districts TBA TBA