October's Teacher of the Month is Marcia Getz

Ms. Getz is an outstanding science teacher who is a veteran of the profession with 31 years of experience. After her graduation from the University of Miami in 1977, Ms. Getz began her teaching career at Boyd Anderson High School, as part of the prestigious International Baccalaureate program. Eight years ago, she left Boyd Anderson to become a Wildcat.

Ms. Getz teaches in our science department and currently works with 9th and 10th grade students in Biology and Anatomy/Physiology courses. In addition to her work with our students, she is the coordinator of our NESS (New Educator Support System) program, where she pairs new teachers with veteran teachers in a mentoring program. She does an outstanding job demonstrating the skills all teachers need to master to be effective in the classroom.

Ms. Getz has been married for 27 years to another Wildcat teacher, who also teaches in our Science Department. Both of Ms. Getz's children were educated at Western; the youngest is currently a junior. We are very lucky to have such an outstanding and dedicated faculty member on our campus. Congratulations, Ms. Getz, on an honor that is well deserved!!


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