Science National Honor Society

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Staff Sponsor: Dr. Liu in

Contact Info: Dr. Liu, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , 754-323-2400 ext. 3228.


Mission Statement: Our overarching goal is to encourage and promote science endeavors through active scientific research/competition, strategic partnership, and student-initiated leadership.

Meeting Times and Location: Thursdays, 2:50 to 3:30 pm in Room 1404


2013-2014 Officers:

  • President: Thomas Delgado
  • Vice President: Akshay Mathavan
  • Secretary: Ratnavi Shan
  • Chief of Staff: Priyanka Raichoudhury
  • Treasurer: Nick Pena
  • Historian: Michell Roberts


Purpose/Description: Promote the science-oriented academic games and tutoring services to the Western communities.

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